Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Turkey Is Threatening To Invade Northern Iraq

Turkey Warns May Launch Ground Raid In Northern Iraq -- New York Times/Reuters

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey warned on Tuesday that it was preparing a possible ground operation against Kurdish separatist militants in northern Iraq, depending on the result of talks with Iraq.

Turkey's armed forces said last week that air and artillery strikes in August had killed 145 to 160 Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) fighters in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region. Air operations are continuing.

"Given that a cross-border operation is being carried out by air, a ground operation can be launched at any time depending on talks with our neighbor," Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin told reporters, adding that an assessment for a ground operation was under way.

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More News On Threats From Turkey To Launch Ground Raids In Northern Iraq

Turkey warns may launch ground raid in Northern Iraq -- Reuters
Turkey May Launch Ground Strikes Against Kurdish Rebels in Iraq -- Voice of America
Turkey Warns May Launch Ground Operation In Northern Iraq -- Radio Free Europe
Turkey says considering Iraq incursion against rebels -- AFP
Cross-border incursion into Iraq possible at any time, Turkish minister says -- Hurriyet Daily News
‘Turkey may launch ground offensive into Iraq at any time’ -- Today's Zaman

My Comment: With battles occurring on a daily basis with Kurdish rebels .... Turkey's impatience with Kurdish safe havens in Iraq is beginning to show.

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