Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Libya's Missing Weapons Being Smuggled Into Gaza

Libyan rebels seize a weapons depot, part of a network of bunkers belonging to Muammar Gaddafi’s forces, in the desert around 25 kilometres from the hilltown of Zintan southwest of Tripoli. Photo: Colin Summers/AFP

Libya's Missing Weapons Being Smuggled Into Gaza -- Global Post

Israeli intelligence is increasingly concerned about the quantity of Libyan arms flowing into Gaza.

JERUSALEM — Israel’s military intelligence is increasingly concerned about the quantity of Libyan arms flowing into the Gaza strip through its increasingly volatile southern border.

Egypt has a northwestern border point with Israel, at the top of the Sinai desert, and a long eastern boundary with Libya. The fall of Muammar Gaddafi's Tripoli represents a new source for weaponry, and has opened up a new land route, enabling smugglers to bring “thousands” of weapons into Gaza by way of tunnels that run from Rafah, in northern Egypt, into the Hamas-run territory, according to numerous Israeli military sources.

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My Comment: Gaddafi spent tens of billions of dollars for weapon systems that would be invaluable in conflict zones like Gaza, Darfur, and elsewhere. The fact that some of these weapons may end up in the hands of groups like Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon does not surprise me.

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