Monday, October 17, 2011

War Hero Will Finally Get To See The Memorials Of Wars That He Fought

Photo by Shane Keyser

Veteran Of Three Wars Will Finally See Memorials -- Kansas City

His motorized wheelchair scoots between two posters decorating his room at the nursing home: a tiger representing the University of Missouri football team, and a black flag with a white silhouetted man and the acronym, POW/MIA.

Fitting bookends for the story of Bill Watson’s life.

He’s an 88-year-old great-grandfather who played college football at MU, served in three wars and spent more than two years as a prisoner of war in Korea.

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My Comment: A true American hero. If I had a choice of seeing the war memorials or spending some time with Bill Watson in a coffee shop listening to him talk about his life experiences .... no contest .... not even close .... and I will be more than happy to pay for the coffee and then some.

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