Monday, October 17, 2011

Where Do The US Navy Seals Go To Eat?

A Navy SEAL Hangout -- The Mellow Jihadi

he Navy owns San Diego, but San Diego owns the Navy’s stomach.

Putter around America’s Finest City long enough in uniform and you’ll end up lunching at a Navy hangout. Per wikipedia: San Diego hosts the largest naval fleet in the world. So you can imagine how many legendary joints there are in this town.

Generally, the fleet-staff bubbas roll down the hill into Point Loma with the Spawar and undersea crowd; the black-shoe 32nd Streeters go taco crazy; and the Coronado bunch (Naval Air Station, Amphib’ers, and SEALs) have good selections on-island*.

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My Comment: I feel hungry already.

Hat Tip: Theo Spark

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