Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Generals Fired Over Fears Of A Military Coup As Greece Teeters On The Brink Of Financial Disaster

Greece In Meltdown: Government On Edge Of Collapse Amid Fears Of Coup As Europe Teeters On The Brink Of Financial Disaster -- Daily Mail

* Government teeters on the brink of collapse
* Generals face sack as coup rumours spread
* Markets plunge as fears for the Euro grow

Europe was teetering on the edge of disaster last night as fears grew that the Greek government is about to collapse.

Markets nosedived around the world, with billions wiped off the value of Britain’s leading firms, as Athens announced extraordinary plans to sack its military leaders amid rampant speculation that it was trying to head off a coup d’etat.

‘It’s all over. The government is about to collapse,’ said one Greek official. Greece’s former deputy finance minister Petros Doukas agreed: ‘The **** has hit the fan.’

Read more ....

Update: Greek military leadership changes spark opposition outcry -- The Telegraph

My Comment: I bailed out of Europe and made the decision to live in Canada a long time ago over my fear that a day of reckoning will occur that will take into account all of the fiscal and debt problems that have been accumulated over the decades by most of the governments in Europe. And while it appears that day is now fast approaching for some countries .... a military coup in a place like Greece .... I doubt it.

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