Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Details On The Bin Laden Raid Contradicts The White House Version

New Book About Osama Bin Laden Killing Being Shopped to Hollywood (Exclusive) -- Hollywood Reporter

Chuck Pfarrer's book, scheduled for publication Nov. 8, contains new details about the mission that killed Bin Laden that challenge the official White House version of events.

Hollywood's interest in the killing of Osama Bin Laden is about to be put to another test. Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that agents for the new book SEAL Target Geronimo: The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden, by former SEAL Team Six commander Chuck Pfarrer,will be in Los Angeles on Friday shopping film and television rights. Interest from studios and producers is expected to be robust. RWSG Literary Agency is repping the property.

Read more ....

Update: New Book Disputes Obama Administration's Account of Bin Laden Raid -- Fox News

My Comment:
I look forward to the movie.

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