Thursday, November 3, 2011

Poll: Israelis Split On Attacking Iran

Haaretz Poll: Israelis Evenly Split Over Attacking Iran -- Haaretz

Haaretz-Dialog poll shows 52 percent of Israelis trust PM Netanyahu and DM Barak's 'on the Iranian issue,' while 37 percent do not, only 11 percent had no opinion.

Israelis are almost evenly split on whether Israel should attack Iran's nuclear facilities, with 41 percent supporting such a strike and 39 percent opposed, a new Haaretz-Dialog poll has found. The remaining 20 percent said they were undecided.

The poll, which queried both Jewish and Arab respondents, also asked whether people trusted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak "on the Iranian issue." Here the answer was more clear-cut, with 52 percent saying they did, compared to 37 percent who did not. Only 11 percent had no opinion.

Read more ....

My Comment: These are shocking numbers. A slim majority favor war against Iran with all of its consequences .... an unbelievable position to have in view of the destruction that will come out of it.

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