Thursday, November 3, 2011

Special Inspector General: Iraq's Military Isn’t Ready For The Withdrawal Of U.S. Troops

Iraqi Military Isn’t Ready For The Withdrawal Of U.S. Troops -- Daily Beast

Iraq lacks formidable air and border defenses, suffers weaknesses in its military supply chain, and may face difficulties defending itself after U.S. troops exit at year’s end, the top American watchdog in the country warns.

“As we pull out of Iraq, the Iraqis will have a difficult time replacing the U.S. role in intelligence, logistics, and air defense,” Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, said in an interview.

Read more ....

My Comment:
The special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction is not the only who is voicing these concerns .... Ira1's military’s chief of staff, Lieutenant General Babaker Zebari, is saying the same thing.

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