Wednesday, November 9, 2011

U.S. To Conduct First National Emergency Alert System Today

Emergency Alert System: Why US Is Doing First National Test Now -- Christian Science Monitor

A test of the federal Emergency Alert System is set for 2 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday. It's the first time the EAS warning system will be tested nationally.

Today at 2 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday Americans watching television or listening to the radio will see and hear a familiar sounding message: "This is a test of the Emergency Alert System. This is only a test...."

This 30-second audio tone and message will sound like emergency test messages that local television and radio stations have broadcast for nearly 50 years. But Wednesday's test will be the first time the federal Emergency Alert System – a last resort means for the president to address the country in a national emergency – has been tested on a national basis.

Read more ....

My Comment: Her is an interesting post on why is there no Emergency Alert System for the internet and the phone?


oldfatslow said...

Growing up in the '60s
the Emergency Broadcast
System tests always
reminded us that someday
there could be an atomic
war. I didn't realize
how deep that thought
had gotten into me until
1995 when I heard the
introductory noise followed
by "This is NOT a test. This
is an emergency." It was
for Hurricane Erin, but it
still made the hairs stand
up on my neck.


War News Updates Editor said...

I can concur with your experience oldfatslow. I was living in St. Petersburg in the mid 1970s when their Emergency Broadcast System 'accidentally' went on. When I put on the radio I cannot describe how relieved I felt when I realized that the US and the Soviet were NOT at war.