Friday, November 4, 2011

Was A British Company Trying To Help Gaddafi Flee Libya?

South African Intelligence Investigates Role Of British Company In Col Gaddafi's Attempt To Flee Sirte -- The Telegraph

The South African intelligence services are investigating the role of a British company in a mission to help Colonel Gaddafi flee from Libya which ended in his capture and death.

According to a senior intelligence source, both the British firm and a woman in Kenya who is thought to have recruited South African mercenaries on its behalf are "of interest" in their investigation.

It has been alleged that one of the security firms who provided mercenaries for the mission may have acted as a “double agent”, helping Nato to pinpoint Gaddafi’s convoy for attack, and that the dictator’s escape was “meant to fail”.

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My Comment: I am skeptical of this story .... but then again .... Gaddafi was known to hire mercenaries, and hiring former SAS soldiers would fit in how he operated. The Daily Mail has more on this story.

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