Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Web Expert Warns Of Cyber World War

Internet security expert Eugene Kaspersky has told Sky a catastrophic cyber terrorist attack is likely.

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War -- SKY News

A leading internet security expert has warned that a cyber terrorist attack with "catastrophic consequences" looked increasingly likely in a world already in a state of near cyber war.

Eugene Kaspersky is not given to easy hyperbole. But the Russian maths genius who founded an internet security empire with a global reach, clutched at his thick mop of hair with both hands.

"I don't want to speak about it. I don't even want to think about it," he said.

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My Comment: He has a point. The world is already in a state of near cyber war, and it will be a serious attack that will wake us up on how insecure our computer networks are.

1 comment:

@mattnels said...

Uggh..some of this is sensationalist and some is true. Depending on whose definition of Cyberwar you depend on, we could have already been in a long drawn out quagmire and not even known it. And the attackers weren't even state sponsored.

How bout CyberIntel? or CyberEspionage?...anything but Cyberwar....

I do realize that for many of the world, their daily lives depend on computers and the internet. The world is definitely vulnerable to attacks on computer systems and networks.

However, the continued sensationalism of CyberWar isn't going to prepare us. I would think a coordinated attack on power grids (non-cyber) would be more effective at taking out computers and networks, than Cyberwar