Sunday, November 6, 2011

Will Gun-Rights Law Raise Risk Of Soldier Suicides?

Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli, seen here in Iraq in 2006, has said he is concerned about whether a new NRA-backed law could lead to a greater risk of soldier suicides. Reuters/File

Pentagon Vs. NRA: Will Gun-Rights Law Raise Risk Of Soldier Suicides? -- NPR

A new NRA-backed law will make it virtually impossible to get private weapons out of the hands of some potentially suicidal soldiers, Army officials say. The NRA says the guns aren't the problem.

op military officials are speaking out against a new law backed by the National Rifle Association, which they fear will increase the danger of suicide among US troops.

The measure prohibits commanders from being able to “collect or record any information” about private firearms owned by US troops living off base.

The Army’s No. 2 officer, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, expressed concern this week that this law amounts to a prohibition on commanders engaging in vital discussions with US soldiers about weapons and personal safety.

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My Comment: I live in Canada with some of the toughest gun control laws in the world .... but vet suicides still continue. If it was that easy to decrease veteran suicides by taking away the guns from troubled vets .... I would say go for it .... but I know that it will not succeed. My Godfather was a World War 2 vet who was always depressed and suicidal. My own father took away his private collection of guns, and everyone always watched him .... worrying and fearing the worse. Sighhhh .... 18 years after the end of the Second World War, my Godfather was able to get a handgun and .... many still speculate .... he committed suicide by playing Russian roulette. The problem with vet suicides is not the guns .... it is the troubled experiences that many were witness to while serving in combat .... and if they do not have access to guns .... it would just be some other weapon or tactic that would be used in their final act of living.

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