Saturday, December 3, 2011

Air Weapons That Will Blow You Away

Mach-5 Cruise Missile. Photo: Boeing

Mini-Nukes, Flying ‘Terminators,’ and 8 More Air Weapons That Will Blow You Away -- Danger Room

Even the most high-tech warplane in the world is useless without its weapons. From the earliest days of aerial combat, fighter planes succeeded or failed depending on the accuracy, lethality and reliability of their machine guns, cannons, rockets and bombs. That's why the U.S. military is hard at work on a dizzying array of pricey new guided munitions to match its trillion-dollar investment in stealth fighters, bombers and killer drones. Some are super smart. Others, super fast. A few are designed to be tiny. All of them have one purpose: to blow away the target, and only the target.

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My Comment:
An impressive array of weapons.

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