Monday, December 5, 2011

Iran - Al Qaeda Link In Washington DC Court Ruling

US Embassy bombing: Nairobi, Kenya, 1998. US State Department

Iran Showed Al Qaeda How to Bomb Embassies -- Weekly Standard

In a little noticed ruling on Monday, November 28, a Washington, D.C. district court found that both Iran and Sudan were culpable for al Qaeda’s 1998 embassy bombings. As is typical in state sponsorship of terrorism cases, neither Iran nor Sudan answered the plaintiffs’ accusations. But in a 45-page decision, Judge John D. Bates issued a default judgment. The court found that the “government of the Islamic Republic of Iran…has a long history of providing material aid and support to terrorist organizations including al Qaeda,” which “claimed responsibility for the August 7, 1998 embassy bombings.”

Judge Bates continued (citations omitted, emphasis added):

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My Comment: I cannot say that I am surprised.

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