Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Iraqis React To The American Withdrawal

What Iraqis Think Of The American Withdrawal: Baghdad -- New York Times

BAGHDAD — As American forces start to pull out of Iraq, we asked Iraqis around the country three questions: Will Iraq be better or worse off after American troops leave? What did the Americans achieve in Iraq? And what have they personally lost or gained since the 2003 invasion? Some answered only one or two questions. Although the respondents varied from area to area and across social and religions divides, some clear patterns emerge.

In Sunni areas of the north and west — from Baghdad to Mosul and out across Anbar – there is abiding fear among Saddam Hussein’s once-ruling minority of the ancient regional foe, Iran, and how vulnerable a post-American Iraq may be to Tehran’s military, political and economic ambitions.

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My Comment: I suspect that a majority of Iraqis are going to feel like this, and it will be a sentiment that will become more negative when the Iraqi state starts to unravel .... a prospect that I feel will become more of a reality as Iraq's sectarian differences and demands for autonomy start to increase.

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