Thursday, December 1, 2011

Islamists Poised To Sweep Into Power In Egypt

Early Egypt Election Results Indicate Islamists Swept First Round -- L.A. Times

The Muslim Brotherhood's party appears to be the top vote-getter in Egypt's parliamentary elections. Liberals and secularists fear that Islamists will set the country's agenda.

Reporting from Cairo — Islamist parties appeared to have swept the first round of elections for an Egyptian parliament that is likely to erase the secular rule of Hosni Mubarak with a politics more intensely driven by religion.

The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party was projected to have won at least 40% of the vote, according to unofficial results leaked by election judges. That number indicates that the group, whose religious rigor and social programs bolstered it for decades against a repressive police state, is emerging as Egypt's most potent political force.

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More News On Egypt's Parliamentary Elections

Egypt’s Islamist Blocs Claim 70% Vote Share in Delayed Count -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Islamic parties set for strong showing as liberals lose out -- The Independent
Egypt awaits poll results, Tahrir protest planned -- Reuters
Islamists Say They Have Mandate in Egypt Voting
-- New York Times
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood says end to military rule is 'top priority' -- The Guardian
Egypt's Islamists Poised to Dominate Parliament -- ABC News/AP
Islamist set to sweep initial Egypt elections -- Jerusalem Post
Muslim Brotherhood Denies Islamist Alliance -- New York Times
In Egypt, Islamist gains spark unease -- Washington Post
Egypt's parliament isn't Muslim Brotherhood's first win this year -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
Upshot of Egypt elections: Islamists are here to stay -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
As Islamists Dominate Egypt's Election, the Power Struggle with the Military Begins -- Tony Karon, Time
With Islamists Rising, Will Egypt Go The Way Of Iran? -- IBD Editorial
Analysis: Islamists jump gun in Egypt election -- Oren Kessler, Jerusalem Post

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