Saturday, December 3, 2011

Peru And Ecuador Partner Against Land Mines

Ex-Foes Peru And Ecuador Partner Against A Scourge Of War: Land Mines -- Christian Science Monitor

Some 41,000 land mines left over from a 1995 skirmish still litter the Peru-Ecuador border. The two nations' cooperative efforts to remove them is setting a global standard.

Peruvian Army Maj. César Andía was too young in February 1995 to play an active part in the country's short but intense skirmish with neighboring Ecuador that took more than 400 lives on both sides.

But today, his job in the Army has him in the same trenches working on one of the final legacies of the conflict: the land mines on the Peruvian side of the rugged jungle that separates the two countries.

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My Comment:
Landmines are clearly one of the greatest scourges of modern war that continue to cause casualties long after a conflict draws to a close.

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