Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Senior Turkish Diplomat:: No Evidence Of Iran Atomic Bomb Program

West Has No Evidence Of Iran Atomic Bomb Program, Senior Turkish Diplomat Says -- Haaretz

Head of Organization of Islamic Cooperation tells Haaretz at Doha conference that Tehran has right to peaceful nuclear program, rejects military intervention.

DOHA - There's no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, Prof. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said on Monday, adding that even a recent and critical report by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog did not provide concrete of nefarious nuclear ambitions.

Speaking at the Brookings Doha Center, the Turkish diplomat, who many see as a natural successor to Turkish President Abdullah Gul, also said, in response to an Haaretz query, that every country had a right to develop a peaceful nuclear program.

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My Comment:
These remarks by this Turkish diplomat would normally be ignored .... but he is the one who is well positioned to assume the Presidency of Turkey if the present Turkish President Abdullah Gul should decide to resign. The fact that he is now contradicting UN reports on Iran's nuclear program .... as well as choosing to ignore comments from Iran's leadership on Middle Eastern affairs and their nuclear goals .... is disturbing to say the least.

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