Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Former U.S. Defense Secretaries Dismissed By Federal Judge

Troops’ Sexual Assault Lawsuit Dismissed -- Marine Times

A federal judge has dismissed a class action lawsuit filed by 28 current and former service members for sexual assaults they say happened while they were in uniform serving under defense secretaries Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates.

U.S. District Court Judge Liam O’Grady ordered dismissal of the case, filed against the two former secretaries, Dec. 9. He called the sexual assault allegations “troubling,” but said previous cases and Supreme Court decisions have advised against judicial involvement in cases of military discipline.

Read more

Update #1: Judge Dismisses ‘Epidemic’ of Rape in Military Case -- Daily Beast
Update #2: Judge dismisses military sexual abuse suit --

My Comment: When you read statements like the following is when you know that there is a problem ....

..... Women in the military are now more likely to be raped by fellow soldiers than they are to be killed in combat.

Everything must be done to counter this terrible situation .... but .... unfortunately .... I have a feeling that everyone is (instead) focused on this .... but some in Congress are (at least) trying to change this for the better.

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