Monday, December 12, 2011

A Sign Of China's Growing Naval Presence In The World

Chinese Navy Considering Seychelles Base -- Asia One

BEIJING - The navy is considering taking on supplies in the Seychelles while conducting escort missions to tackle piracy.

Military experts stressed that the move did not equate to establishing military bases.

"According to escort needs and the needs of other long-range missions, China will consider seeking supply facilities at appropriate harbors in the Seychelles or other countries," the Ministry of Defense said in a statement on its website on Monday.

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More News On A Chinese Naval Base In The Seychelles

Beijing will consider Seychelles base offer
-- South China Morning Post
China says mulling Seychelles naval hosting offer -- AP
China makes inroads into Indian Ocean, but says no military base -- Hindustan Times
Chinese naval fleet may resupply in Seychelles --
Beware India! China to open first military base in Indian Ocean -- First Post
China’s first military base abroad to be in Seychelles -- The Asian Age

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