Friday, January 6, 2012

American Grand Strategy On You Tube

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About American Grand Strategy But Were Afraid To Find Out... On YouTube -- Foreign Policy

The genesis of this blog post is a bit arcane. In response to news reports about proposed changes in U.S. defense doctrine, Andrew Exum jokingly suggested "replacing the 'Two Wars' strategy with a 'Who Wants Some? You? How About You, Tough Guy?' strategy" on Twitter. This led to other suggested mottos, expressed in YouTube videos, which eventually led to me issuing a grandiose call: suggest the YouTube clip that "best encapsulates American grand strategy."

Yeah, that should bring you up to speed.

Below you will find the ten eleven suggested clips that resonated the most for me, with some further elaboration by your humble blogger. WARNING: some profanity. Then again, if the profane is offensive to you, it's best that you not think too hard about American foreign policy.

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My Comment: Could not have said it any better.

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