Sunday, January 22, 2012

Arab league Extends Mission In Syria by One Month. Saudi Arabia Pulls Out Of The Mission

Arab League Extends Syria Observer Mission For Another Month, Clashes Near Damascus -- Washington Post/AP

BEIRUT — A clash between Syrian forces and army defectors erupted Sunday in a suburb of the tightly held capital of Damascus, adding urgency just as the Arab League was extending an observers’ mission that so far has failed to start the process of putting an end to long months of bloody violence.

The two events outlined how an uprising against President Bashar Assad that was dominated by mass popular protests at first is moving toward an armed conflict that could draw international intervention — an outcome the Arab League is trying to avoid.

Read more

: Arab League extends Syria mission -- CBC

My Comment: Saudi Arabia has already indicated that they will pull put of the Arab League mission. I expect other nations will join, thereby making the Arab League monitoring mission an even bigger joke and disappointment.

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