Sunday, January 8, 2012

Britain Sends It's Newest Destroyer To Counter Iranian Threats In The Persian Gulf

New era: HMS Daring completed four years of sea trials and training late last year and is the first of six new destroyers which will replace the Type 42 vessels which started service in the 1970s

Royal Navy Dispatches New £1bn Destroyer To The Gulf As Britain Sends A Clear Signal To Iran That Trade Route WILL Stay Open -- Daily Mail

* MoD confirm the Type 45 destroyer will join British presence in the region
* Defence Secretary warned Tehran regime that UK will not tolerate the ‘very significant consequences’ of a threat to block the Strait of Hormuz
The Royal Navy's newest and most advanced ship is being sent to the Gulf for her first mission amid heightened tensions with Iran over threats by Tehran to block a busy shipping lane.

The Type 45 destroyer HMS Daring, which has a 'stealth' futuristic design to help avoid detection, is to join the British presence in the region, the Ministry of Defence confirmed.

The dispatch of the ship comes days after Defence Secretary Philip Hammond warned the regime that any attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz would be 'illegal and unsuccessful' and would be countered militarily if necessary.

Read more ....

More News On The U.K. Dispatching Their Newest Destroyer To The Persian Gulf

Royal Navy sends its mightiest ship to take on the Iranian show of force in the Gulf -- The Telegraph
Royal Navy set to break Iranian blockade --
£1billion Royal Navy ship on mission to combat Iran blockade threat -- Mirror
Navy destroyer to head to Gulf after Iran tension --
UK sends new warship to Gulf amid Iran tensions -- AFP
Report: Britain dispatches advanced warship to Persian Gulf -- Haaretz
Britain to Send Most Advanced Naval Ship to the Gulf -- IBTimes

My Comment: In the whole scheme of things .... one ship is not going to make a difference on how the Iranian government is going to behave.

1 comment:

You mean there's more??? said...

On the current parlous state of the RN they are probably paddling it there and it won't do anything as they cannot affoard ammunition.

If the Iranians stick a missile into it what will we do then?

Send them a nasty letter???