Saturday, January 7, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, Analysis, And Editorials On America's New Military Strategy

Reading The Tea Leaves On Obama's New Military Strategy -- Ilan Berman, Forbes

Earlier today, President Obama unveiled a revamped national military strategy in a major address at the Pentagon. While the full details of the strategy—dubbed “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense”—have yet to be disclosed, early reports offer some important insights into the Administration’s evolving national security and defense priorities.

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More Commentaries, Opinions, Analysis, And Editorials on America's New Military Strategy

Defense chief admits there is 'some risk' to slashing military -- Sara Carter, Washington Examiner
What Kind of Military Does America Really Want? -- Gary Schmitt, FOX News
Slashing America's Defense: A Suicidal Trajectory -- Max Boot, Commentary
Obama's white flag on national security: 'Yes, our military will be leaner' -- Andrew Malcolm,
Why a one-war posture for the U.S. military will work -- Michael O’Hanlon, Washington Post
America's new lean fighting machine -- L.A Times editorial
A Leaner Pentagon -- New York Times editorial
Obama to shrink armed forces -- Rowan Scarborough and Sean Lengell, The Washington Times
Back to the Future for DoD -- Dave Duffy, Small Wars Journal
A budget strategy that courts disaster -- Dov Zakheim, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy
The risks of America's Asia strategy -- Andrew Billo, CNN
The Defense Budget and America’s Decline -- Peter Wehner, Commentary
Obama outlines leaner military but gives few specifics -- Nancy A. Youssef, Miami Herald/McClatchy News
Pentagon cuts: What will the new US military look like? -- Heather Hurlburt, BBC
New Pentagon strategy recasts military in Obama's image -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Obama defense plan would end ability to fight two conventional wars at once -- Joseph Straw, New York Daily News
Fewer, Better Nuclear Weapons Can Make the U.S. Stronger: View -- Bloomberg Businessweek editors
New Pentagon strategy stresses Asia, cyber, drones -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Barack Obama's defense plan could be 2012 issue -- Charles Hoskinson, Politico
Obama’s Defense Strategy Emphasizes Asia, Cybersecurity -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Analysis: Will Panetta stave off deeper cuts to military? -- Reuters
New Pentagon strategy stresses Asia, cyber, drones -- Reuters
Strategic Review Suggests Potential New U.S. Nuke Cuts -- Global Security Newswire
Pentagon Emphasizes Asia-Pacific, Cyber -- Bloomberg
New strategy to keep up spy technology funding -- Reuters
Panetta Said to Eye 14 Percent Cut in Army --
U.S. To Drop Long-War Ability, Focus on Pacific -- Defense News
U.S.’s leaner military ‘turning a page’ on a decade of war: Obama -- National Post
Obama's Strategy for Trimmed Military -- Robert Burns, Time/AP
DoD’s “21st century priorities” -- Phillip Ewing, DoD Buzz
Obama Unveils Defense Cuts While Iran Threatens War -- KT McFarland, FOX News
New Obama Strategy Looks Misguided, Predictable, Underwhelming -- August Cole, Aol Defense
What the DoD’s New Strategy Means for Our Newest Tech -- Defense Tech
Tomorrow’s Pentagon: Doing Less, With More -- Mark Thompson, Time
Obama’s New Defense Plan: Drones, Spec Ops and Cyber War -- Spencer Ackerman, The Danger Room

WNU Editor: The document that outlines U.S. military strategies for the 21rst century can be found here.

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