Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Is War Inevitable With Iran?

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Analysis: If Sanctions On Iran Fail, War May Be Inevitable -- Peter Goodspeed, National Post

The European Union joined the United States Monday in launching an economic war against Iran to force it to abandon a suspected nuclear weapons program.

By imposing an embargo on Iranian oil exports and freezing assets of its central bank, EU members hope to cut so deeply into government revenues Tehran will agree to accept international safeguards on its nuclear program.

But the sanctions themselves may be the penultimate step before a possible military attack.

Western leaders like Nicolas Sarkozy, the French President, have insisted stiff economic sanctions are necessary to avert a possible war with Iran.

Read more ....

My Comment: I do not share these apocalyptic views of a conflict with Iran. But .... it is true that a situation may get out of hand, and Iran's actions may precipitate a wider conflict .... a prospect that would truly be catastrophic for all.

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