Monday, January 16, 2012

MoD Draws Up Plans In The Event Of Scottish Independence

MoD Drawing Up Plans To Withdraw Trident From Scotland -- Scotsman

DEFENCE chiefs are reported to be drawing up urgent plans to withdraw the fleet of Trident nuclear submarines from Scotland, amid fears that voters will back independence.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is concerned that First Minister Alex Salmond will win the independence referendum and go ahead with his promise to remove the submarines from the Faslane base, as well as the warheads held at the nearby holding site at Coulport.

Officials at the MoD were yesterday reported to have started planning for a new multi-billion-pound nuclear base on the English east coast, with locations near Plymouth or Portsmouth being considered. The moves come amid fears that the MoD would be left with nowhere for the fleet if Scotland becomes independent.

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My Comment
: In the past, Scottish representatives fought to have British military bases spared from budget cuts .... in a future independent Scotland .... this will probably still be the case, but i suspect British sentiment will be adamantly against it.

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