Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sparing Over The Falklands

The Falkland Islands Will Always Be Argentine Territory -- The Telegraph

When Argentine forces seized the Falklands 30 years ago, Patrick Watts found himself a first-hand witness to an invasion that caught Britain unawares 8,000 miles away.

As the presenter on the radio station in Port Stanley, he was instructed by Governor Rex Hunt to remain on air, broadcasting to a shocked population, for as long as possible.

He fulfilled the mission until the new military rulers marched into the station with a series of taped edicts to play to the islanders.

So Mr Watts and his fellow Falklanders were delighted last week when David Cameron responded to months of increased posturing and bullying by Buenos Aires with an uncompromising denunciation of Argentina’s motives.

Read more ....

My Comment
: Rich oil deposits are going to change the dynamics in this part of the world. As I had mentioned in a post yesterday, expect the rhetoric to really heat up if oil production starts.

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