Monday, January 16, 2012

U.S.-Israel Military Exercise Postponed Because Of Iran

U.S. Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS John C. Stennis (front) and USS George H. W. Bush patrol in the Strait of Hormuz in November 2011. US Navy Hadout

U.S., Israel Postpone Military Exercise Amid Tension With Iran -- L.A. Times

REPORTING FROM JERUSALEM -- The United States and Israel agreed to postpone a large joint military exercise from this spring to late in the year to avoid aggravating an already tense regional situation driven by conflicts with Iran, Israeli media reported Sunday.

The drill, slated for May and named "Austere Challenge," was announced in November by Andrew Shapiro, U.S. assistant secretary of State for politics-military affairs, at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. The exercise as originally planned would include more than 5,000 U.S. and Israeli forces and, among other things, simulate Israel's ballistic missile defense. It would be the "largest and most significant joint exercise in the allies' history," Shapiro had said.

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More News On The Postponement Of Joint U.S. - Israel Military Exercises

Israel and U.S. postpone massive defense drill in fear of escalation with Iran -- Haaretz
Major Israel, U.S. military drill postponed over Iran tensions: reports -- National Post/AFP
Joint U.S.-Israel military exercise postponed -- Reuters
Joint US-Israel drill postponed to 'defuse Iran tensions' -- YNet News
Major US-Israel military drill postponed -- AFP
U.S., Israel postpone naval war games -- UPI

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