Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What’s The Next Step Against Iran?

Sanctions Against Iran Grow Tighter, but What’s the Next Step? -- Helene Cooper, New York Times

WASHINGTON — As the Obama administration and its European allies toughened economic sanctions against Iran on Monday — blocking its access to the world financial system and undermining its critical oil and gas industry — officials on both sides of the Atlantic acknowledge that their last-ditch effort has only a limited chance of persuading Tehran to abandon what the West fears is its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

That leaves open this critical question: And then what?

Read more ....

My Comment: Probably even more sanctions will be the result .... especially in convincing foreign Central banks to not work with Iran's Central Bank. But after that .... like North Korea .... the options will be limited on what we can do with Iran.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

google Iran and India dealing in gold.That is how India and China and Iran are getting around are attempts to close their banks