Thursday, January 5, 2012

Will President Obama Go To War In Order To Get Re-Elected?

Will Obama Go To War? -- Jim Yardley, American Thinker

As we enter 2012, the question of whether our president is planning to go to war might seem far-fetched. After all, all reports indicate that Obama doesn't feel comfortable with the military. Going to war would fly in the face of his claim that he was going to finally use "smart" diplomacy instead of the saber-rattling of George W. Bush.

Obama declared during the primary debates for the Democratic nomination that he would be glad to meet with any head of government without preconditions. We can see that his policies and inclinations toward bilateral or multilateral negotiations to avoid conflict go back to at least 2007, well before he was elected.

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My Comment: My answer to the above commentary is simple .... President Obama will NOT go to war in order to get re-elected. President Bush`s opponents were always saying the same thing ... Afghanistan/Iraq/War on Terrorism .... all of these conflicts were undertaken to serve a political purpose back home .... which in their mind was to guarantee the re-election of President Bush. I differed and disagreed with the pundits then .... and I do so today with those on the opposite end of the political spectrum who are accusing President Obama of the same thing.

The simple fact is that in order to undertake a war in today`s environment, a massive commitment .... from the President on down .... will need to be employed. But in today's 24/7 world of cable news, bloggers, leaks and open communications .... the motivations and strategy to go to war will not be kept secret for the simple reason that it cannot. We live in a different world today, and one big change has been the difficulty of keeping secrets .... especially a secret as large as one that involves war and an American President`s use of it to be re-elected.

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