Thursday, January 5, 2012

World News Briefs -- January 5, 2011 (Evening Edition)

Scores Killed in Iraq Bombings Targeting Shiites -- ABC News/AP

An apparently coordinated wave of bombings targeting Shiite Muslims killed at least 78 people in Iraq on Thursday, the second large-scale assault by militants since U.S. forces pulled out last month.

The attacks, which bore the hallmarks of Sunni insurgents, come ahead of a Shiite holy day that draws hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from across Iraq, raising fears of a deepening of sectarian bloodshed. Rifts along the country's Sunni-Shiite faultline just a few years ago pushed Iraq to the brink of civil war.

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Bombs target Iraqi Shi'ites, kill at least 73. 72 killed in anti-Shiite bombings in Iraq.

Israeli, Palestinian negotiators to meet Monday for second round of direct talks.

Eighteen militants, 4 troops killed in Yemen clashes.

U.S. targets Iran's Central Bank.

Screws tighten on Iran as big buyers shun its oil.

Iran prepares bill to bar foreign warships from Persian Gulf.

In a shift, the President of Yemen will stay put.

Qatar: Arab monitors made mistakes in Syria.

Activists accuse Syria of 'torture chambers'.

Syria releases 500 more prisoners in line with Arab League plan to stop crackdown on dissent.

US commander visits Israel to finalize missile drill.


U.S. not hopeful for quick restart to North Korea nuke negotiations.

Pakistan's alleged 'Washington lackey' fears for life.

Pakistani Taliban kills 15 abducted security officers.

Myanmar approves Suu Kyi's party for election.

Kazakhstan extends state-of-emergency.

Maldives president orders all spas to be reopened.


Bomb blasts target northern Nigeria.

Mandela’s party falters as fighting splits ANC in South Africa.

Egyptian prosecutors call for Mubarak to be hanged.

Africa’s many elections reap few rewards.

Jonglei clashes: South Sudan declares a disaster.

Rwandan FDLR rebels 'kill 26 in DR Congo'.

AU prepares big Anti-Shabab military push in Somalia.

Libyan soldiers demand salaries.

Libya’s new army chief of staff prioritizes disarming fighters, protecting borders. Libyan Rebels reject proposed new Army Chief.


Sweden recognizes file-sharing as official religion.

French debt costs rise at bond sale as AAA decision looms.

Euro hit as investors fret over Europe's banks.

Greek prime minister warns of March default.

EU agrees Iran oil embargo.

German President spares Merkel crisis after ‘terrible’ error.


Keystone XL pipeline: Oil chief issues threat to Obama over decision.

31 inmates killed in northern Mexico prison fight.

Argentine President Cristina Kirchner's cancer operation 'successful'.

Brazil's Lula begins cancer radiation treatment.

Floods drive thousands from their homes in Brazil.


Osama bin Laden movie leaks investigated by Defense Department.

US State Department opens new bureau of counter-terrorism.

US said poised to free Taliban prisoners.

The rise of al-Qaeda's franchises.


Analysts warn of downside to sanctions on Iran oil exports.

Fresh credit crunch fears as banks park record €453bn cash with ECB.

Chinese airlines refuse to pay EU carbon tax.

Americans make up half of the world's richest 1%.

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