Tuesday, February 28, 2012

10,000 Combat Missions For The B-1 Bomber

B-1B over the pacific ocean. Wikipedia

The Bone Notches 10,000 Combat Missions -- DoD Buzz

America’s favorite low-flying, long-loitering, wing-swinging bomber has flown its 10,000th combat mission, Boeing announced Monday.

The B-1B Lancer in question flew its sortie over Afghanistan — where the Bone has had a second career supporting troops on the ground — and returned to its base in, er, “Southwest Asia,” Boeing announced. (The bases in Qatar and the UAE aren’t actually there, and the Air Force clings to that non-fact like a vise.)

Here’s more of what Big B said:

Read more ....

My Comment: 10,000 combat missions and counting.

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