Saturday, February 25, 2012

Deeper Brigade Combat Team Cuts Planned For The U.S. Army

Gen. Ray Odierno congratulates soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division after hosting their reenlistment ceremony last year. Odierno said Feb. 24 at AUSA that the Army could drop to 32 brigades. Staff Sgt. Teddy Wade / Army

Army Eyes Deeper Brigade Combat Team Cuts, Odierno Says -- Aol Defense

FT. LAUDERDALE: The Army is willing to shed a few more brigade combat teams to become the lighter, faster and more lethal force of the future, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said today.

The Army is weighing a plan to add a third maneuver battalion to the Army's current force structure, Odierno told attendees today at the Association of the U.S. Army's annual symposium. By adding that third battalion, service leaders would subsequently drawdown the total number of brigade combat teams from 37 down to 32 to 33 BCTs total, the four-star general said. Initial service plans had the Army dropping down from the current 47 BCTs in the force to 37. Cutting an additional four to five teams and adding the third maneuver battalion, are one of many "forseeable possibilities" service leaders may adopt as they reform the Army's force structure for a post-Afghanistan world.

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More News On Additional Cuts In The U.S. Army

AUSA: Army could cut up to 13 BCTs -- DoD Buzz
Odierno: Army could drop to 32 brigades -- Army Times
Odierno: Army's Active-Duty Force Must Not Drop Below 490,000 -- National Defense
AUSA 2012: US Army mulls force structure changes -- Shephard Media

My Comment: The demobilization of the U.S. military continues. Expect even further cuts at the end of this year.

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