Saturday, February 18, 2012

The F-16V

F-16s, A-to…V? -- Time

The F-16A first flew in 1975, followed by the F-16B (Battleland once sat in a B-model backseat for a stomach-tickling ride), F-16C. F-16D, F-16E, F-16F, F-16I, F-16IN, F-16N, F-16Q, and now: the F-16V. Manufacturer Lockheed Martin announced the V-model – for Viper, the plane’s pilot-generated nickname (officially it’s the Fighting Falcon, but c’mon, admit it: Viper is a cooler name) – on Wednesday at the Singapore Air Show. Like a ’57 Chevy that keeps getting better with age, the V version will feature an active electronically-scanned array radar and upgraded avionics (new variants generally indicate an improved plane, one that can carry two people, or one optimized for a specific mission or sale to a specific country).

Read more ....

Update: Singapore: Lockheed Unveils F-16 Viper Variant -- Defense News

My Comment:
And they are now being "built in China" .... what was unthinkable 36 years ago is now .... normal.

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