Monday, February 6, 2012

Greece On The Verge Of Default (Again)

Greece Plays Game Of Chicken Over Bailout -- MSNBC/Reuters

Lets another crucial deadline slip, pushing Athens closer to a debt default with global impact.

ATHENS — Greece let yet another deadline slip on Monday for responding to painful terms for a new EU/IMF bailout as patience in Brussels wore thin over drawn-out negotiations among its feuding political leaders.

Failure to strike a deal to secure the 130 billion euro ($170 billion) rescue risks pushing Athens into a chaotic debt default which could threaten its future in the euro zone.

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More News On The Euro Crisis

Debt crisis and Greek debt talks: live
-- The Telegraph
Greece dices with default -- Euro News
Time Running Out for Greece as Leaders Haggle, Merkel Says -- SFGate/Bloomberg
France, Germany want Greece funds earmarked to repay bailout, warn Athens to agree debt deals -- Washington Post/AP
Greece to Cut Government Jobs as International Debt Pressure Intensifies -- Voice of America
France, Germany press for Greek debt escrow account -- Reuters
Greece caves in on public service cuts -- Sydney Morning Herald
Greece takes step closer to default -- Financial Times
EU tries to keep March deadline for Greek rescue -- Reuters
Greek unions plan 24-hour strike against austerity -- Reuters
Factbox: Sticking points in Greek rescue deal talks -- Reuters

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