Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How Israel Might Strike At Iran

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How Israel Might Strike At Iran -- Jonathan Marcus, BBC

For all the myriad challenges facing Israel over the past decade it is the potential threat from a nuclear-armed Iran that has preoccupied the country's military planners.

It is this that in large part has guided the development of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) over recent years.

The IAF has purchased 125 advanced F-15I and F-16I warplanes, equipped with Israeli avionics and additional fuel tanks - tailor-made for long-range strike missions.

In addition, Israel has bought specialised bunker-busting munitions; developed large, long-endurance, unmanned aircraft; and much of its training has focused on long-range missions.

Israel has a track-record of pre-emptive strikes against nuclear targets in the region.

Read more ....

My Comment: Iraq's air defense are still weak and they do not have the resources to stop an Israeli fly-over .... my prediction .... Israel will use the direct path (route 2) to it's targets in Iran.

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