Monday, February 6, 2012

Is The U.S. Targeting Rescuers At Drone Strike Sites?

Missiles being loaded onto a military Reaper drone in Afghanistan. Bureau of Investigative Journalism

U.S. Said To Target Rescuers At Drone Strike Sites -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — British and Pakistani journalists said Sunday that the C.I.A.’s drone strikes on suspected militants in Pakistan have repeatedly targeted rescuers who responded to the scene of a strike, as well as mourners at subsequent funerals.

The report, by the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, found that at least 50 civilians had been killed in follow-up strikes after they rushed to help those hit by a drone-fired missile. The bureau counted more than 20 other civilians killed in strikes on funerals. The findings were published on the bureau’s Web site and in The Sunday Times of London.

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More News On U.S. Drone Strikes Targeting Rescuers

Drones also targeting mourners and rescuers -- DAWN
US drone campaign targeted rescuers, mourners: Report -- Express Tribune
Report: U.S. drones also killed rescuers after strikes -- Boing Boing
The C.I.A.'s Silence on Drone Strikes Is Getting Awkward -- Adam Martin, The Atlantic

WNU Editor: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism report on US drone strikes targeting rescuers is here.

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