Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Limits Of Having A Drone Fleet

A US Predator drone in the skies over Afghanistan

Drones: Why The Sky's Not Quite The Limit -- Rob Crilly, The Telegraph

This year's must-have accessory is rapidly turning out to be an unmanned aerial vehicle – or drone. Whether it's Barack Obama (a Nobel Peace Laureate) going public with his not-very-secret programme in the skies of Pakistan, or law enforcement agencies inside the US, everybody wants a drone.

At their most basic, they are little more than a remote controlled plane or helicopter with a videofeed. So perhaps its not surprising that thousands of hobbyists are at work building their own. The DIY Drones website estimates the cost at less than $1,000 for a basic model. (Even Francis Fukuyama, the "futurist", has a piece of the action.)

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My Comment: Drones should be perceived only as a tool/weapon/instrument .... nothing more and nothing less .... and definitely not the solution to a problem.

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