Monday, February 27, 2012

Massacres Reported Throughout Syria Today

Opposition: 144 Dead In Syrian Violence -- CNN

(CNN) -- At least 144 people were killed Monday across Syria, including 64 who died in a "horrifying massacre" at a checkpoint in Homs province, opposition activists said.

Those killed at a checkpoint in the Abel area were attempting to flee shelling in the Baba Amr neighborhood in the city of Homs, said the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, a network of opposition activists.

"Reports said security members and thugs kidnapped the women among them," the network said in a statement. Residents found 47 corpses in one area and 17 in a second one, it said.

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More News On Reports of Massacres In Syria

Syrian death toll at 144
Syrian shelling decimates Homs neighborhood -- USA Today
Syrian activists: 64 bodies found near Homs in one of the worst mass killings -- Washington Post
135 dead across Syria, including 64 fleeing embattled area of Homs, says activist group -- FOX News/AP
Syrian regime continues shelling Homs -- Sydney Morning Herald
Report: 135 dead across Syria -- YNet News
Report: 120 killed in Syria as government hails approval of new constitution -- Haaretz
Massacre in Homs as rescue bid fails -- Daily Star

My Comment: Expect more 100+ death totals from now on. The Syrian civil war is now entering a new and very bloody phase.

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