Friday, February 17, 2012

The New Face Of Egypt?

Romany Rashed stands in what was a furniture shop owned by Christian businessman that was looted and burned by angry Muslim mobs. The shop is across the street from Romany's home, where he hid as the mob tried to break into his house in Sharbat, a village near Alexandria in Egypt. Kristen Chick/ The Christian Science Monitor

After Surviving Sectarian Mob, Egyptian Christians Expelled From Village -- Christian Science Monitor

The case sends a worrying signal that Egypt's new parliament is allowing a Mubarak-era system of local justice to trump the rule of law.

Ten-year-old Romany sits in the same room where his family huddled together nearly three weeks ago, afraid for their lives, as a violent mob attacked their house.

His family had fled to this room on the top floor, where pictures of Jesus and Coptic saints hang on bare cement walls. His parents dragged heavy furniture to the door, barricading it as they heard people try to break in below. The mob was throwing rocks at the windows, and he heard gunfire, says Romany. They were cursing Christians.

“We kept praying that God would be with us,” says the fourth-grader. “And He was.”

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My Comment: Christian pogroms are now happening across Egypt almost everyday .... and no word from the White House. Instead .... from Egypt .... we are now getting threats and warnings directed at us.

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