Monday, February 27, 2012

Problems In Iran`s Nuclear Program Becoming Evident?

Iran Nuclear Program Faltering Because Of Old Technology: UN Watchdog -- National Post/Reuters

* UN report showed large nuclear work expansion in Iran
* But Islamic state still using outdated centrifuge model
* New machines would allow faster production of sensitive material

VIENNA — Iran is still relying on old technology to expand its nuclear program, in what may be a sign it is having difficulties developing modern machines that could speed up production of potential bomb material.

A report by the UN nuclear watchdog last week said Iran was significantly stepping up its uranium enrichment, a finding that sent oil prices higher on fears tensions between with the West could escalate into military conflict.

Read me ....

More News On Iran`s Nuclear Program

Ex-IAEA official: Iran using old nuke technology -- Jerusalem Post/Reuters
Calls for calm as Iran nuclear risk discounted -- Sydney Morning Herald
Iran may be "struggling" with new nuclear machines -- Reuters
Iran boosting enrichment efforts, international inspectors say -- CNN
The latest on Iran's nuclear program -- Shadow Government/Foreign Policy
Iran Snub to UN Officials Shows Stance Unchanged, U.S. Says -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Israel says IAEA report 'proof' Iran wants the bomb -- AFP
How Long Will the Iranian Standoff Last? -- Yousef Gamal El-Din, CNBC
Is an Israeli attack inevitable? -- Peter Jones, Ottawa Citizen
IAEA Report: The Growing Resilience of Iran’s Nuclear Program -- Abolghasem Bayyenat, Foreign Policy Journal

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