Saturday, February 25, 2012

US Troops Reduce Lord's Resistance Army Attacks In Central Africa

Uganda: US Troops Reduce Lord's Resistance Army Attacks -- Global Post

The extremist rebel group is less effective because of US troops.

NAIROBI, Kenya — Pressure groups in the US won a victory last year when President Obama agreed to send 100 "military advisors" to Central Africa to help fight the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel group that specializes in child abduction, mutilation and murder. Now it seems that decision is having some effect.

In a telephone briefing with journalists this week, Rear Admiral Brian L. Losey said US troops were based in South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and Uganda. The LRA emerged in Uganda in the 1980s, but was evicted from the country in 2005, and now roams across the other three countrues, looting, pillaging, and attacking villagers.

Read more

Update #1: US cites progress in shadowy Africa military mission -- Reuters
Update #2: US Troops Now in 4 African Countries to Fight LRA -- ABC News/AP

My Comment: I do not know if 100 US soldiers can make a difference .... especially in a region that is as huge as the one that the LRA rebels operate in. But if attacks are down .... that tells me that maybe .... just maybe .... they are having a psychological impact on the LRA.

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