Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What About A U.S. Military Strike On Iran's Nuclear Facilities?

If Israel Can’t Bomb The Iranian Nuclear Program To A Halt, What About The U.S.? -- Mark Thompson, Time

The New York Times on Monday spelled out just how much of a challenge it would be for Israel to try to derail Iran’s nuclear program using military force. Reports Elizabeth Bumiller:

…an Israeli attack meant to set back Iran’s nuclear program would be a huge and highly complex operation…The possible outlines of an Israeli attack have become a source of debate in Washington, where some analysts question whether Israel even has the military capacity to carry it off.

This is all part of a huge mind game designed to keep Iran – as well as Pentagon war-planners – off balance. So let’s ask the question that’s being batted about whenever a handful of military geeks have gotten together in recent weeks: how much more successful would a U.S.-led strike be against Tehran’s nuclear infrastructure?

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More News And Analysis On The Feasibility Of A Military Strike On Iran's Nuclear Facilities

US, Germany Differ On Israeli Ability To Hit Iran -- Jerusalem Post
An Israeli strike on Iran: Easier said than done -- On The Record/FOX News
Israel could strike Iran's nuclear facilities, but it won't be easy -- Haaretz
Iran Raid Seen As A Huge Task For Israeli Jets -- New York Times
Air strike out of Israel's reach, say analysts -- Sydney Morning Herald
Israel raid on Iran difficult: US analysts -- China Daily/Xinhua
Could Israel Go It Alone In Iran? Would The U.S. Be Sucked In? -- International Herald Tribune
Only two countries are able to attack Iran: U.S. and Israel -- Moshe Arens, Haaretz

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