Monday, February 20, 2012

When Predator Strikes Go Wrong

An Air Force MQ-1 Predator is seen in Afghanistan. Senior Airman Julianne Showalter / Air Force

Hard Lessons From Predator Strike Gone Wrong -- Air Force Times

A Predator pilot in California saw a “splash” on his video screen as a Hellfire missile slammed into a small group of people thought to be Taliban fighters. Almost immediately, he knew something was wrong. Other figures rushed into the field of view but showed no signs of fighting their way to the scene.

The morning of April 6, 2011, in Afghanistan’s Sangin River Valley turned out to be a Predator pilot’s worst nightmare, and one that prompted intelligence analysts to gain a greater voice during the fast-paced discussions preceding the firing of weapons — something Air Force intelligence officers had been pushing for since 2009.

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My Comment
: Drones are new to the battlefield, and knowing how to use them is a learning process that will produce friendly or civilian casualties. unfortunately for the families of Marine Staff Sgt. Jeremy Smith and Navy Hospitalman Benjamin Rast .... this learning process comes at a very high price.

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