White House Weighs Nuclear Arms Cuts, But Will Wait For More Talks With Russia -- Washington Post
The Obama administration is contemplating further cuts to the nation’s nuclear arsenal, but any decision about potential reductions is unlikely until Russia and the United States can resume negotiations after both countries hold presidential elections this year, defense officials and analysts said Tuesday.
The Associated Press reported that the administration is weighing options for potentially deep cuts in the number of deployed long-range nuclear weapons, including the possibility of dipping to as low as 300 to 400 warheads. That would be the lowest number since the early days of the Cold War.
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More News On The U.S. Considering Large Cuts In It's Nuclear Forces
US weighing steep nuclear arms cuts -- AP
US weighing options for future cuts in nuclear weapons, including 80% reduction -- TheSpec
Barack Obama weighs major cuts to US nuclear arsenal -- The Telegraph
US weighing options for future cuts in nuclear weapons, including 80% reduction -- Washington Post/AP
U.S. Weighs Sharp Cuts to Nuclear Stockpile -- Wall Street Journal
Nuking our Nukes: Lowest level of strategic review would leave Pentagon with fewer warheads than China -- Washington Free Beacon
My Comment: This is a trial balloon by the White House in every sense.
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