Monday, February 20, 2012

Would The U.S. Be 'Sucked' Into An Israel - Iran War?

Could Israel Go It Alone In Iran? Would The U.S. Be Sucked In? -- International Herald Tribune

“All the pundits who talk about ‘Oh, yeah, bomb Iran,’ it ain’t going to be that easy,” Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, the retired top intelligence official of the U.S. Air Force tells Elisabeth Bumiller in her latest story examining the possibility of an attack on Iran. General Deptula planned the American air campaigns in 2001 in Afghanistan and in the 1991 Gulf War.

As Iran cut off its oil shipments to France and Britain, what sounded like an orchestrated and rising chorus of Western military voices seemed to be warning Israel off military action any time soon. A chief argument is that Israel might not have the capability to carry out such a complicated attack alone. The fear in the West is that Israel may carry out such an attack anyway.

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My Comment: Could Israel go it alone in Iran? ..... yes. Would the U.S. be sucked in? .... another yes. If Iran is attacked, it would only be natural that Iran would escalate the conflict by fighting back. Closure of the Start of Hormuz, increase in international terrorism, $200+/barrel of oil, financial markets being rocked, Shiite communities in places like Bahrain and Saudi Arabia protesting .... probably violently. Etc., etc., etc. ....

How could we not get involved?

Sighhh ... when it comes to Iran there never has been any good options on the table .... and what is worse when you look at it realistically .... the U.S. is incapable (or unable) to determine its outcome.

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