Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Both Sides In Syria's Civil War Have Accepted Assad's Peace Plan, But Fighting Continues

Annan's Six-Point Plan For Syria -- CNN

(CNN) -- U.N.-Arab League special envoy Kofi Annan is promoting a six-point initiative to end the violence, bring in relief, and forge a political process to address grievances in Syria.

The U.N. Security Council endorsed a presidential statement last week welcoming Annan's recent appointment as a special envoy on the crisis. It also backed the six-point plan submitted to Syria, which Annan's office said was accepted by President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Read more

Update #1: Annan says Syria accepts peace plan as troops enter Lebanon -- Reuters
Update #2: Syrian opposition backs Annan plan, wants Assad to halt attacks -- Reuters

My Comment: I am deeply skeptical that this is going work, especially when I am reading reports like this one.

Update: U.N. raises Syria death toll estimate to more than 9,000 -- Reuters

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