Friday, March 9, 2012

China's Military Leaps Forward

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen shares a laugh with Chinese Gen. Chen Bingde, Chief of the Peoples Liberation Army's General Staff in Beijing, China on July 11, 2011. Chad McNeeley/Courtesy of DOD

The Chinese Military's Great Leap Forward -- Daniel Twining, Real Clear World

China's announcement of a more than 11 percent increase in declared military spending - following two full decades of double-digit increases - raises several uncomfortable questions for Asia and the West. It is natural for a rising power like China to develop capabilities to defend its expanding array of interests. On the other hand, China's ascent has been made possible by a benign security environment that well served China's goal of "peaceful development." China's growing military capabilities now threaten to upset that order in ways that, ironically, could complicate China's security environment at the same time as slowing economic growth intensifies its internal challenges.

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My Comment:
I concur with Daniel Twining's analysis. China's military buildup is upsetting an order that many of it's neighbors felt comfortable to live with for the past 2 decades. No more now .... the Asian arms race is picking up speed.

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