Friday, March 9, 2012

Civil War In Syria -- News Updates March 9, 2012

Syrian Opposition State Kofi Annan 'Living On Mars' Over Assad Dialogue Plea -- The Telegraph

The Syrian opposition reacted angrily on Friday to calls by international envoy Kofi Annan for dialogue with President Bashar al-Assad's government, saying he was "living on Mars".

On the eve of Mr Annan's arrival in Damascus today, activists reported a further 26 deaths across the country, including eight people killed by mortars fired by the army at protesters in Homs.

The deaths occurred less than 24 hours after Baroness Amos, the United Nation's chief humanitarian officer, was taken on a tour of the central city by officials that included Baba Amr, the rebel stronghold bombarded for 26 consecutive days before rebels and civilians fled.

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More News On Syria's Civil War

Syria: Overview -- Yahoo News
Syria: Overview -- The Guardian
Syria: opposition rejects call for dialogue - Friday 9 March -- The Guardian
Syria Live Blog -- Al Jazeera

Syrian activists reject Annan's dialogue call -- Al Jazeera
Syrian opposition leader rejects Kofi Annan's call for dialogue with Assad regime -- The Telegraph
Two Syrian Generals Defect To Turkey As Opposition Rejects Dialogue With Assad -- Radio Free Europe
Syria crisis: Kofi Annan's calls for talks spark anger -- BBC
Syrian opposition leader rejects call for dialogue -- FOX News/AP
AP Interview: Syria opposition chief rejects talks -- AP
Syrian rebels reject Annan's call for dialogue with Assad -- Haaretz
Syrian Violence Continues Before Visit by U.N. Envoy -- Voice of America
UN Envoy Due In Syria Amid Signs Of More Cracks In Assad Regime -- The Guardian

Syrian forces kill 54 ahead of Annan peace mission -- Reuters
Syrian Army Defections Surge -- Wall Street Journal
Syria: rebels claim four senior generals have defected from the Assad regime -- The Telegraph
Report: Top Syria officers defect to Turkey amid persisting crackdown -- Haaretz
Syrian opposition leader says his group is receiving donations, weapons -- Al Arabiya News
Iranian diplomat says Arab countries sending mercenaries to Syria -- Tehran Times
Tripoli Questions Russian Claims of Libyan Training for Syrian Opposition -- Voice of America

UN: Syria Stalling on Humanitarian Aid -- Voice of America
Syria crisis: 'Limited progress' on aid - Valerie Amos -- BBC

EU officials: Sanctions against Syria are helping, but more needed from Russia, China -- Yahoo News/AP
Germany urges Russia to change line on Syria after vote -- Reuters
China sending envoy on Syria to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France -- AFP
China to send another envoy to discuss Syria crisis -- Reuters

Syrian Kurds seen as revolt’s wild card -- Washington Post
Analysis: Syria safe havens? They failed in Bosnia -- Aida Cerkez, AP
How Not to Intervene in Syria: After everything that's happened over the last decade, shouldn’t we know a quagmire when we see one? -- Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy

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