Sunday, March 4, 2012

Graves Of British War Heroes Desecrated In Libya

Desecrated: The Shocking Video Of Churchill's Desert Rats' Graves Being Smashed To Rubble... By The Libyans We Helped Liberate -- Daily Mail

* Headstones torn down and crucifixes smashed with hammers by extremists
* More than 150 graves of British serviceman systematically desecrated
* Attack carried out over two days with footage posted online
* Members of mob heard repeatedly calling dead servicemen 'dogs'

A year ago they begged for Britain’s help when Colonel Gaddafi’s tanks encircled their city, threatening annihilation.

Now former Libyan rebels in Benghazi – liberated with the aid of the RAF last March – have systematically desecrated the graves of more than 150 British servicemen killed in North Africa 70 years ago.

Headstones at the Benghazi War Cemetery have been torn down and crucifixes smashed with hammers by a mob of extremists, some carrying guns and dressed in combat fatigues.

Read more ....

Update: Libyan rebels desecrate graves of British war heroes -- The Telegraph

My Comment: When I read about this cemetery attack a few days ago, I said to myself that as bad as Gaddafi was, he would never have permitted this to happen. Unfortunately for Libya, these desecrations are a symptom of the breakdown of order that is occurring in Libya today.

1 comment:

Investor said...

This is a downright disgrace. Sickening to see the lack of respect for Veterans who fought against tyranny. Whether they agree with the current wars Britain is involved in or not, there is no denying the legitimacy of Britain's role in WW2 as fighting for freedom against fascism. Although we must remember these are most likely a tiny minority of Libyans - extremists cannot tarnish a nation. In fact these extremists remind me of Gaddafi whom provided the IRA with semtex which was used in terrorist attacks throughout England and Northern Ireland.